Soul Initiation Guide
I grieve and praise both the creativity and the loss, of this exquisite Hologram of Beauty that is our Earth. And though it seems our doing, simultaneously, I trust that we too are part of Earth and their dreaming. We are not separate from nature, we too ARE nature. We are in perilous times, and it is more important than ever to remember ourselves as ones who embody the Dreaming of the Earth. Earth has called me to be a Death Doula for the Great Dying, tending cultural transformation and the end of our current paradigm called “modernity”. And, Earth has called me to be a Soul Guide, one who supports people to move through personal transformation, which we could understand as the death of personal paradigms, which are ways of understanding and being in relationship with, the world.
I believe, Earth is always moving towards transformation and renewal- to our eyes, it may look like rupture or being stuck, a dead end or a tragedy. And, like Earth, we are always Whole, regardless of the part we are currently stuck in. Resiliency is part of (our) nature. I do not offer the solution to your "problem" - what are often labeled problems, I understand as symptoms of disconnection from the Web of Life and the Trauma of Civilization. Both blessing and curse, they are the place where our gold is buried and shaped. I use all of the tools- physical, energetic and spiritual- I have learned and received, to support you towards wholeness and the building of inner resources in order to reduce your stress level, to learn to love yourself and to stand in your power.
In my experience, we all long to remember our relationship with all of life, to come home to Earth and know we belong to the More than Human Community. And we all forget, every day! The great forgetting that swept through my ancestors and most likely yours, in the form of christianization, colonialisation and civilisation, was not only a traumatic event, but an incredible survival strategy. Now, it is imperative that we remember. We must remember how to be in relationship with one another in ways that are generative and not purely destructive. We must remember our ancient ancestors who still practiced the old ways of ritual reciprocity with the Earth, or, the Holy in the Wild, which is what sustains our own lives. We must remember who we truly are and our particular way of loving the world, the shape we were born as and are also to grow into (like an acorn an oak). It is my privilege to accompany you on the journey, following what I imaginably perceive as your soul's frequency. Together, I will support you to track your soul's frequency, so that you might more consciously participate in your unfolding.
Book a free 30 minute Soul Frequency tracking session with Sara:
Sara McFarland (she/they) is an improvisational nature-based singer, storyteller and ritual performance artist, naturopath, wilderness guide and mentor. Sara is a core team member of Starter Culture (, as well as Wild Mind and Soul Initiation Guide for Animas Valley Institute (,
Sara travels the Hologram of the Golden Web of Life in many ways; one is through listening to the melodies that Earth and the Ancestors sing through them; another is through Somatic Gnosis; catching the wisdom of her ancestors and Earth Community; a third is ritual performance and trance story telling; a fourth is collective rituals of paradigm transformation. She bridges the ancient ritual practices of being in conversation with the wild Earth and the More-than-Humans with the present world. Their work is to help hospice the current culture as a Death Doula for the Great Dying in order to create the fertile ground needed to birth a future paradigm of human culture which embodies the Dream of the Earth we will most likely never see, but we pray for thriving in 500 years time.
As a guide, Sara welcomes Humans of all genders, sexual orientation, colors, race, and every other "identifying characteristic" with honesty and curiosity, devotion and loving fierceness in service to Soul. They are a queer both/and creature who accompanies you on your Soul Path, to discover your both unique and interwoven essence, through the places that scare and enliven you- both the golden and the sinister. Along the way, you will be supported to heal the trauma of civilization through the practices of coming home and belonging to Earth Community as well as developmental/relational trauma through Sacred Wound Alchemy. Sara works with individuals who long to know who they truly already are and their place in the Golden Web of Life; bringing all of their gifts, powers and abilities to their people and in service to Earth, through the process of Soul Initiation. In her guiding, both one on one and in groups, she utilizes elements of energy medicine and ritual, consciousness shifting techniques, sound and voice, dream work, deep imagination journeys, trauma healing, nature-based parts work and more.
Upcoming Programs
Starter Culture
Dreaming the World to Come
With Sara McFarland and Bell Selkie Lovelock
January 23, 30, Feb 6, 13, 2025
weekly, from 13:30-15:30 EST/18:30-20:30 GMT/19:30-21:30CET
What if we are part of Earth’s dreaming; past, present and future? What if our gift of being human in these times is to offer our personal and collective deep imagination to Earth’s vision? Instead of knowing what will come and making plans and resolutions for the new year, we invite you to risk following your heart into the depths of the questions:
What is Earth up to in and through these times of crises and collapse?
How might we dream with Earth, the world to come?
Check out my guiding, mentoring, storytelling and podcast with Starter Culture